Хамелеон, продолжение
Часть II
Anton Chekhov A Chameleon | Антон Чехов Хамелеон |
"It looks like a row, your honour …” says the policeman. Otchumyelov makes a half turn to the left and strides towards the crowd. He sees the aforementioned man in the unbuttoned waistcoat standing close by the gate of the timber-yard, holding his right hand in the air and displaying a bleeding finger to the crowd. On his half-drunken face there is plainly written: “I’ll pay you out, you rogue!” and indeed the very finger has the look of a flag of victory. In this man Otchumyelov recognises Hryukin, the goldsmith. The culprit who has caused the sensation, a white borzoy puppy with a sharp muzzle and a yellow patch on her back, is sitting on the ground with her fore-paws outstretched in the middle of the crowd, trembling all over. There is an expression of misery and terror in her tearful eyes.
What’s it all about?” Otchumyelov
inquires, pushing his way through the crowd. “What are you here for? Why
are you waving your finger …? Who was it shouted?” |
“Ужо я сорву с тебя, шельма!” да и самый палец имеет вид знамения победы. В этом человеке Очумелов узнаёт золотых дел мастера Хрюкина. В центре толпы, растопырив передние ноги и дрожа всем телом, сидит на земле сам виновник скандала – белый борзой щенок с острой мордой и жёлтым пятном на спине. В слезящихся глазах его выражение тоски и ужаса.
– По какому это случаю тут? – спрашивает Очумелов, врезываясь в
толпу. |