Обсудим повседневные дела по-английски
Двое коллег (Liza и Michael) ведут непринужденную дружескую беседу о повседневных делах на работе и в личной жизни. Они обсуждают, во сколько просыпаются, какие у них утренние привычки, что они едят на завтрак, какие перерывы они делают в течение дня и как они проводят вечера. Диалог также включает обсуждение вечерних занятий и того, во сколько они ложатся спать. Диалог помогает получить практические навыки в чтении и понимании простых оборотов разговорной речи. Кроме того он позволяет познакомится с повседневной рутиной и привычками в англоязычной рабочей среде.
Daily Routines in English
Liza: Hey Michael, what time do you usually wake up?
Michael: Good morning, Liza! I usually wake up at 7 AM. How about you?
Liza: Oh, me too! 7 AM works best for me as well.
Michael: That's great! Do you have a morning routine?
Liza: Yes, I do. After waking up, I get dressed, brush my teeth, wash my face, and then prepare and have breakfast. How about you, Michael?
Michael: Nice! My routine is quite similar. I also brush my teeth and wash my face, but I usually skip breakfast and grab a cup of coffee on my way to the office.
Liza: Ah, I see. Breakfast is an essential part of my morning to kickstart(1) the day. What's your typical morning drink then?
Michael: Just a cup of coffee usually does the trick for me(2). It helps me wake up and get going.
Liza: Fair enough(3). So, after your coffee, what do you do?
Michael: Well, once I arrive at the office, I check my emails and messages, make a to-do list(4) for the day, and then start working on my tasks. How about you, Liza?
Liza: Similar here. I also check my emails and messages in the morning and make a to-do list. I find it helpful to organize my tasks and stay on track(5).
Michael: Great minds think alike! Do you take any breaks during the day?
Liza: Yes, I usually have a lunch break around 12 PM. During that time, I eat my lunch and take a short walk or do some light stretching to refresh my mind(6).
Michael: That sounds like a good way to recharge. In the afternoon, what kind of work do you generally focus on?
Liza: In the afternoons, I usually focus on more detailed and challenging tasks. I might also have meetings or conferences to attend and collaborate with colleagues.
Michael: That's interesting. I'm often involved in team meetings and client calls during the afternoons as well.
Liza: After work, do you have any evening activities or hobbies?
Michael: Yes, in the evenings, I enjoy reading books, going for a run or workout(7), and spending time with my family. Sometimes, I also watch a movie or catch up on my favorite TV shows to wind down(8).
Liza: That sounds like a nice balance. I'm more into reading and spending time with my family too. It's important to have some relaxing activities after a productive day at work.
Michael: Couldn't agree more. Finally, what time do you usually go to bed?
Liza: I usually go to bed around 11 PM. It gives me enough time to unwind and get a good night's sleep before starting another day.
Michael: That makes sense. I try to stick to the same bedtime routine and aim for around 11 PM as well.
Liza: Well, it seems like we both have quite similar daily routines. It's good to know we share some common habits in the office!
Michael: Absolutely, Liza. Having similar routines can create a sense of camaraderie(9) and understanding. It's nice to have a colleague who follows a similar schedule.
^1kickstart – запустить, стартовать, дать толчок
^2does the trick – производит нужный эффект
^3Fair enough – верно, справедливо
^4to-do list – список дел
^5stay on track – придерживаться курса, не сбиться с пути, не выбиться из графика
^6do some light stretching to refresh my mind – делаю легкую растяжку, чтобы освежить мысли.
^7workout – тренировка
^8to wind down – расслабиться, сбросить напряжение
^9camaraderie – дух товарищества, чувство локтя
Вопросы к диалогу
- What time do Liza and Michael usually wake up?
- What morning routine does Liza have?
- What does Michael usually have instead of breakfast?
- What does Liza consider an essential part of her morning routine?
- What is Michael's typical morning drink?
- How do Liza and Michael start their workday at the office?
- What activities do Liza and Michael enjoy in the evenings?